Some days things roll right along and some days we curse the cameramen of the past for not adjusting their exposures. Think of the filmmakers of the future, dammit! Plus, this video looks like it was shot thru one of those rumpled glass shower doors.
I'm really glad I didn't actually sleep with that guitarist. He couldn't dance for shit, apparently. Not a good sign.
Please pan over to the keyboardist please pan over to the keyboardist please pan over to the keyboardist please pan over to the keyboardist please pan over to the keyboardist. Nope.
Note to cameraman of the past: Please do not attempt to dance while shooting.
Ooo. Nice lens flare.
And at the end of the tape, five whole entire minutes of video noise. It's like Christmas for me. I spy another New Intruders video. Another outlet for my scrappy inner psycho killer. I should put that in a profile somewhere - "likes random video noise, slightly burnt popcorn and sideshow freaks."
Fuck. Seriously, MPEG Streamclip? You're just gonna stop converting for no reason. Nice.
At this rate, it looks like we're working into the night. Maybe we can get pizza from here, on account of they deliver now, which is awesome.
Dive into the chaos.
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